Thinking of Retiring?
No matter when you are planning to retire, one thing is certain... you will need to be financially prepared.
Retirement planning involves many interrelated yet distinct disciplines. By applying the principles of cash management, risk management, tax planning, investment and estate planning to your specific needs, you can make the maximum use of your pre- and after-tax dollars. This can be time-consuming, yet the result - a practical financial plan and investment program - can be important in helping you reach your goals.
Do you have questions about your Retirement Plans?
Metro Traditional Pension plan
Metro Drop Plan
ICMA 401-K, 457 plan
Do you have questions about how to take a Lump-Sum IRA Rollover?
And avoid paying taxes
Leave an inheritance to your beneficiary
Get a Guarantee Income for Life
If you’ve answered yes to any of these questions, it’s time to take action.
Call today and learn about your options, including; your Social Security, Sick Bank, Vacation pay, and TWOP.
You may have more money than you think.